Sunday, January 30, 2011

If my pants can stretch, why can’t I?

I was at a workshop yesterday that really stretched my way of thinking about my soul purpose; what I am here to offer this world.

Well, let’s be honest, first of all I had to come in for a landing on what my purpose is but with a little bit of help from some friends I came up with a first draft: my purpose is to encourage and empower others.  I say “first draft” because it wasn’t good enough.  “Encourage and empower others? Oh come on, give me something that I can sink my teeth into; something important”, I thought.  “I empower and encourage people every day without even thinking about it.”  Those who know me well are also very familiar with my relationship with resistance and believe me, Resistance and I were going toe-to-toe on this one.

But that is when Vicki McLeod, one of our workshop facilitators stepped in and asked me three questions: “What is the impact when you encourage and empower others, Kathy?  “They share their gifts with the world”, I answered.  “What is the impact when people share their gifts with the world?”  “It makes the world a better place.”  “So you encouraging and empowering others helps make the world a better place?”  Busted!

Up until now I had always associated “purpose” with “career” and it finally occurred to me that my purpose isn’t necessarily my career (it may be for others).  It also “clicked” in my mind that to disregard my purpose as unimportant is really to be disrespectful of our divine creation.  Good thing that today is Sunday; I’ve had some explaining to do.

So if my jeans can stretch to encompass all that I am, perhaps my mind can also stretch to encompass the knowledge that my purpose is indeed more than “good enough”.

What is your purpose?


  1. Let me be the first to follow your blog and to exclaim to the world: "Here comes Kathy!" Look what have already created in just 24hrs. Inspiring.

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Great first post. Purpose IS the new black and social purpose is the new pinstripe ;-) You go girl!

  3. I was so thrilled to see this Kathy. I love that you're acknowledging that your purpose is indeed more than "good enough." I'm very excited for you!

  4. Greetings Kathy! What a great opening line. "if my pants can stretch...." Awesome.

    Welcome to 'Blogville'.

